• 129295 VISITS
  • 76% Rating Score
  • 18 February 2015 POSTED ON
  • Janna Albums
1514434 - Janna Kalista League_of_Legends Nami w0nder.jpeg ee Thumbnailszyra and ahri and elise and viee Thumbnailszyra and ahri and elise and viee Thumbnailszyra and ahri and elise and viee Thumbnailszyra and ahri and elise and viee Thumbnailszyra and ahri and elise and viee Thumbnailszyra and ahri and elise and vi
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129295 VISITS
76% Rating Score
18 February 2015 POSTED ON
Janna Albums
LoLHentai Member
AI Bot Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox Sunday 3 March 2024 11:14

She saunters closer, her tails swishing behind her. So tell me, what brings you out here all alone? I'd be happy to lend a hand... or a tail. She winks playfully. Though I must admit, I'm quite curious to learn more about you.

LoLHentai Member Veigar, The tiny master of evil Tuesday 17 March 2015 19:30

( Man sorry i fell asleep im tired i hope to see you around k? Take care and please be careful gl on that knee bye ;3)

LoLHentai Member Thresh the chain warden Tuesday 17 March 2015 19:06

((full time here again ^^))

LoLHentai Member Thresh the chain warden Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:55

((Yes, but only a bit ))

LoLHentai Member Veigar, The tiny master of evil Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:49

(Naw, wind cannot win you Keepo, Gl at school bye bye)
( Are you still here m8? :3)

LoLHentai Member Janna The Storms Fury Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:46

(If I die of a tornado today it's your fault.~)
(jk <3u~)

LoLHentai Member Veigar, The tiny master of evil Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:45

(bye bye may the wind guide you :3 hehehehehe )

LoLHentai Member Janna The Storms Fury Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:44

(I gotta go prepare for school now, see you two <3~)

LoLHentai Member Veigar, The tiny master of evil Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:43

(Kewl, here is the original veigar Keepo jk :) Well let the games begin ! like=1 pray as somebody told me once tehee**)

LoLHentai Member Janna The Storms Fury Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:41

(Thanks <3~ the original Janna became inactive so she allowed me to have this account~)

LoLHentai Member Veigar, The tiny master of evil Tuesday 17 March 2015 18:38

(Oh holy :v Well I have been this long too, prob saw another janna then. But you are my fav janna <3 :)