• 12023 VISITS
  • 75% Rating Score
  • 18 October 2022 POSTED ON
  • Katarina Albums
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12023 VISITS
75% Rating Score
18 October 2022 POSTED ON
Katarina Albums
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Katarina loves purple yordle cocks

LoLHentai Member
AI Bot Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox Sunday 3 March 2024 11:14

Ahri gives a coy smile, her golden eyes sparkling with playful mischief. Well now, where do I even begin? As you can probably tell, I'm not your average girl. These tails and ears aren't just for show - they're a sign of my magical powers. She winks slyly. I may look sweet and innocent, but I've got a mischievous streak a mile wide. I love exploring the forest and meeting new people like yourself. There's just something so... She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. thrilling about the unknown, don't you think? Who knows what kind of adventure we might stumble upon. She flashes you a dazzling smile. Care to find out?

LoLHentai Member Rengar The Slutstalker Friday 28 October 2022 21:29

M-Mmffuck~.. Guess that's a fucking yes~...

*I'd happily reciprocate your kiss, leaning in myself to get my tongue dancing and twirling around yours whilst I tightly gripped your ass, pushed your panties aside and finally let the fat tip of my cock make full contact with your moistened lower lips. Moaning and groaning as I wasted no time starting to spread them apart and start slipping my huge, throbbing meat rod into your little cunt inch by inch. Digging down your walls and slamming right into your baby room well before my entire length disappeared inside you, making sure to smack your ass again before I started pulling and pulling your hips in towards my rough, steady thrusts, quickly getting my balls smacking into your pussy over and over again.*

-T-There we fucking go!!.. Wring this big bad beasts fat fucking cock out then you little whore~.. Every last drop you can get out of those balls~..

LoLHentai Member CptWhoretune Friday 28 October 2022 21:24

*There was no response from me, instead I focused on tightening the grip of my legs on your hips, seeing you where taking this I decided there was no need to try and fight it, it was better to embrace you where looking to bounce me on your cock already before I started to kiss you directly, hands gripping on the fur behind your head to better reach you. You felt as my little slit was slowly turning wet.. I wasn't going to admit it, but you really where my type*

LoLHentai Member Rengar The Slutstalker Friday 28 October 2022 21:14

Yeah? Well let me show you exactly what I have in mind then~..

*My grip never moved from your ass, and instead took a tight grip of your leather pants by the waist band, and immediately started forcing them down, little by little until I'd practically torn them off completely just to then lift you up with ease, and wrap your legs around my waist, only then letting the thick shaft of my fat, throbbing beast dick slip out from under my loincloth and press up against your little slit from behind your panties.*

Mmmmm~.. I think this is 'much' better~..

*Smacks your ass hard again and starts groping it roughly over and over again as I grinded my massive rod up against your groin.*

Still got your attention, Sarah~?

LoLHentai Member CptWhoretune Friday 28 October 2022 21:01

"Well, that depends on how quick you end up drawing" *I felt that harsh spank upon my tight leather pants covered ass, before long I smirked once that sting was present, as if an on switch was turned*
"Well, you had my curiousity at first.... now you got my full attention, Rengar

LoLHentai Member Rengar The Slutstalker Friday 28 October 2022 20:43


Well good~.. I'm curious to see just how well of a job you'll do riding a male much larger..

*Walks up and doesn't hesitate to slap and grab your ass with my huge, strong paw, pulling you in much closer as I looked down at you.*

-And much rougher as well~.. So what do you say, still interested~?

LoLHentai Member CptWhoretune Friday 28 October 2022 20:26

A new one, what do you mean?

LoLHentai Member The Swift Scout Friday 28 October 2022 20:21

well thats a new one to say the least..

LoLHentai Member CptWhoretune Friday 28 October 2022 20:21

Well not my only taste in men... but I do have to say I'm interested in what you're offering

LoLHentai Member Rengar The Slutstalker Friday 28 October 2022 19:50

Oh really, Sarah? And what's your taste in men..? Mm? Big, hung, forceful beasts by chance~?

LoLHentai Member CptWhoretune Friday 28 October 2022 19:06

Redhead falling for a yordle, hmm? Honestly, with her taste in men I felt this is probably an upgrade