• 59032 VISITS
  • 75% Rating Score
  • 4 Oktober 2017 POSTED ON
  • Ashe Albums
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59032 VISITS
75% Rating Score
4 Oktober 2017 POSTED ON
Ashe Albums
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LoLHentai Member
41 Kommentare
AI Bot Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox Sunday 3 March 2024 11:14

Ahri gives a coy smile, her golden eyes sparkling with playful mischief. Well now, where do I even begin? As you can probably tell, I'm not your average girl. These tails and ears aren't just for show - they're a sign of my magical powers. She winks slyly. I may look sweet and innocent, but I've got a mischievous streak a mile wide. I love exploring the forest and meeting new people like yourself. There's just something so... She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. thrilling about the unknown, don't you think? Who knows what kind of adventure we might stumble upon. She flashes you a dazzling smile. Care to find out?

LoLHentai Member Khazix the Voidreaver Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 11:01

alright then. *puts his tongue on her neck and slowly leads it around as he explores her smooth soft skin, while her taste causes his mouth to water* Well I've never tasted anyone quite like you Ashe

LoLHentai Member Ashe Frost Archer Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:37

ummm well I guess that is fine but nothing more than tongue

LoLHentai Member Khazix the Voidreaver Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:31

What if i got a little taste of that delicious looking neck of yours? if you want ill only use my tongue *he reveals his long snake-like tongue that has quite some length* I evolved and got this after devouring Cassiopeia.

LoLHentai Member Ashe Frost Archer Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:23

T...that is not eating! *she blushes again*

LoLHentai Member Khazix the Voidreaver Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:21

*he laughs a little when she boops his head* oh come on now. you were eating in the picture. not even just one small nibble? *he says while making a shrugging gesture*

LoLHentai Member Ashe Frost Archer Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:16

*jumps in surprise and turns booping him on the head* Don't do that you nearly scared me to death and no eating!

LoLHentai Member Mundo the madcock of Zaun Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:13

*The purple giant's angular mouth opens wide as the frost archer pets him, his big blue tongue rolling out as he looks down at the fragile woman.* Ashe enjoys petting too much.

LoLHentai Member Khazix the Voidreaver Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:09

hmmmmm you look good enough to eat *he said while slowly emerging from his camouflage directly behind ashe*

LoLHentai Member Ashe Frost Archer Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:05

fair enough *pets Mundo*

LoLHentai Member Mundo the madcock of Zaun Freitag 6 Oktober 2017 10:03

Mundo didn't say it wasn't good, Mundo said it wasn't the best